Friday, May 24, 2013

Something New...Fitness Friday

Happy Friday! I hope you are ready for a great Memorial Day weekend!

It should come as no surprise that I love reading blogs. I mean, why else would I start my own? I read all kinds of blogs on beauty, fitness, DIY projects, or just stories people share from their lives. I especially like blogs in which the personality of the writer shines through, and I can laugh and relate to their lives. I feel that's what sets blogs apart from magazines or other publications.

One blog I follow is Talk Less, Say More. The blogger behind it, Katie, is a music and health/fitness enthusiast. I love her blogging style of using creative photography to express her life and the things she's doing (i.e. "saying more" while "talking less"). She shares a lot of great workout routines for the treadmill, elliptical, or just strength exercises you can do on your own. I personally struggle with the strength training side of exercise, so any information is helpful to me! If this information could be useful to you, too, I recommend checking it out!

When I was on the Talk Less, Say More blog recently, I happened to notice that Katie hosts a weekly link-up community called "Fitness Friday". It's an opportunity for us to share our fitness endeavors over the past week to motivate, inspire, and learn from each other. I love the idea, so this week, I've decided to share my own Fitness Friday post!

My workouts this week:

Saturday - RunKNOX! I ran 3 mi + some other fun exercises. Planks are hard.

Sunday - Gardening! It's a MAJOR full body workout, I promise! I planted a couple of hostas and a salvia to replace some plants that had died in our backyard. This required digging a hole with a shovel/spade, spreading mulch, and pushing a wheelbarrow up a hill in my backyard. Unfortunately the rain cut it short and I didn't finish.

Monday - Met a friend at the gym. Since I'm clueless about strength workouts (remember?), I take a class called Body Pump which guides me through an entire strength workout. Since I got there early, I hopped on the elliptical for 15 minutes.

Tuesday - More RunKNOX! Another 3 mi + more fun exercises. I can't do squats without feeling like I'm going to fall backwards.

Wednesday - I was supposed to run 3 mi, but I overslept and didn't have time. :(

Thursday - I tried to make up for Wednesday, but overslept again. I only had time for one mile. I decided since I could only do one, I would push myself to run fast. I ran my one mile in 9:53 (fast for me)!

In the evening, I resumed my landscaping project by planting a hosta that was going to die if not planted soon, extending the bed around corner of my house. More digging, swinging a heavy mattock to remove soil and grass, more mulching, and more wheelbarrowing.

Friday - I managed to get up early today and hit up an early morning yoga class. I'm still very new to yoga, and I consider myself a dabbler. Sometimes I'll hit an evening class at my gym, an early morning class at a studio, or a free community class at Lululemon. I find it helps reduce some of the soreness from running, and helps free me from stressing about the little things in life.

That's it! You can check out Katie's Fitness Friday post this week here. What were your fitness endeavors this week?



  1. Thanks for the kind words and joining the link-up! We'll get you comfortable with strength training - it took me a long time to feel like I could walk into the weight room and now, it's usually my first stop! :)

    1. Hi Katie - thanks for stopping by! Glad to join the link-up, I think it's a great idea! Yeah, the weight room is like no-man's land for me at the gym, haha! Love the workout plans and charts on your site. Hopefully I'll get the whole strength thing down soon. :)
