Y'all, it's official.
As of today, my countdown days to turning 30 is in single digits. Overall, I'm fine with it. I'm excited about celebrating with friends and family and walking around with some obnoxious "30" tiara or sash (you listenin, B? Better make this happen.).For me, my concern in turning 30 isn't about worrying about aging, it's about questioning where I am in life. Perhaps I'll write a dedicated post on this. This is the first time I've reached this kind of milestone birthday. I think there's something about these milestones that naturally make you question your past decisions and accomplishments. Did I accomplish everything I hoped to accomplish by this point (in terms of career, fitness, personal development)? Sadly, no.
Who am I? What am I doing with my life?
That was a little dramatic. I thought I'd have everything figured out by now. I'd be this cool, confident, perfectly put-together person. I thought I'd have at least figured out what I wanted in life. Instead, I still worry about little things, don't know exactly what I want in 10-20 years, and feel unsure of myself at times.
Will this ever go away?
But I can be proud that I've worked my hardest to reach my goals so far, and plan to continue to do so. I'm proud I earned an MBA and now work in my chosen field of marketing. I'm proud I finally faced my fears, started a running journey, and launched this blog to hopefully help others. I consider myself fortunate to have a wonderful family, friends, husband, and cats. I'll take it! I really can't complain at all.
One accomplishment that I'm especially questioning right now is my current running goal of hitting a 30 minute 5K. After a particularly traumatic 5K race on a track, I've been hovering around 32 minutes lately, and I don't feel close to improving. At the end of running a 32 minute 5K, I'm so exhausted I am dragging myself to the finish line and feel like I'm going to pass out or throw up! I'm not sure if I'll hit it by my birthday, but I'll try my best to get there as soon as I can.
To help me get there, I'm glad that the fall program of RunKNOX has started up again. While B is doing the half marathon program, I'll be doing the speed training program to get to a 30 minute 5K, and then perhaps progress to half marathon training.
With all of that said, here's how the week went:
Saturday: Butterfly Fund 5K
B and I were excited to run the Butterfly Fund 5K Saturday. It supports a good cause (research for childrens' cancers) and we met up with his aunt there who was also running the race. She started a running and fitness journey in her 50's and is doing AWESOME! Proof that it's never too late to start! The weather was a little cooler than usual and we were very familiar with the course. Great conditions for a race!And how did the actual race go? Not spectacular, but good. I pushed myself the entire time. As I've written before, I don't think 5K pace is easy or comfortable, so it felt challenging the whole time. Not overwhelmingly so until the end. I managed to sprint the last 100m or so and felt like I usually do after 5Ks - exhausted, weak, and nauseous. My time was in line with my last few times, just over 32 minutes. Not a PR, but not a regression either. I had a fun morning, so I'm good with it.
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B and I before the race. No makeup + my new Lululemon shorts from my Mom. :) Thanks, Mom! |
Sunday: Off-day
Although, I'd argue vacuuming, dusting, and grocery shopping count for something.
Monday: A Harder than Usual Boot Camp Class
Lately, I've been doing a boot camp class. In the past, it has been challenging, but manageable. For some reason, this time it was harder. We did planks with weights on our backs, lunges with weights above our heads, sprints, and all kinds of crazy stuff. We were outside for most of the class, and it was hot. There was a point when I had to slow down, I was so tired! I think it was partially my fault for forgetting to eat my afternoon snack beforehand. I looked around and everyone else looked like they felt like I did! Luckily, we all made it through and had a good workout! I may have consoled myself with ice cream later...Tuesday: Back to RunKNOX and Sassy Again
The official fall RunKNOX program began! While we continued practicing as a carryover from the summer program, I'm glad to have a fresh start in the program. I saw many familiar faces and some new faces. In fact, I met another lady who is going after a 30 minute 5K, too! It will be nice to have someone close to my level. We ran an easy 3 miles with a few sprints at the end.Oh sprints. In small doses, I think they are so fun! I was next to a really nice guy in our group while doing our sprints. It just so happened I beat him to finish, and he said he couldn't keep up with me. Out of nowhere, I said:
Oh, it's not a race...but if it was I would have won!
I mean, talk about #nofilter! I can't believe it flew out of my mouth! Fortunately everyone took it in good fun!
Wednesday: 35 Minute Run
Usually, our prescribed runs per our training program are in miles. This time, it was in minutes. I got up early to beat the heat and set a timer on my iPhone. You know what happens when your requirement is minutes, not miles? There's no motivation to run faster!What's the point? You won't finish any sooner. Maybe that's just me.
So, I cruised around listening to a running playlist on Songza until the timer went off and had a great time. At the end, I realized I had been running really slow for me - 13+ minute miles. Oops. Hey, I ran and enjoyed it. That's a win, right?
Thursday: Core Class
With the beginning of the RunKNOX fall program came the reinstatement of our Thursday night core class. Yay! It incorporates similar exercises as my boot camp class, but I feel like it's a little more focused. We stay on each exercise longer and really focus on strength. This is great for me, because I don't get a lot of strength training. This week it was pretty simple - lunges, planks, side planks, etc. It had been awhile since I'd held these poses for awhile. It was challenging, but doable.Today: Resting Up
I'm not working out today so that I'll be well rested for another (yes, another) 5K tomorrow. It will be my last 5K in the 25-29 age group.The ending of an era.
B and I are running the Man Run, which supports prostate cancer research. Yes, women can run in it. :) A friend of ours has started his own running journey in the last few months, and we're excited he's running in it with us! I'll shoot for my 30 minute 5K, and try my best. B has even offered to pace me.
We may or may not be still married afterwards.. :)
That's it for this week!
How have you stayed active this week? Do milestone birthdays inspire you to reexamine your goals and accomplishments?
See what others around the web are doing with these great fitness communities:

I was not compensated by RunKNOX, or the Knoxville Track Club for this post, nor is any organization affiliated with this blog. I am simply sharing my honest opinions and experiences. The views expressed in this article are solely my own. Also, I'm not a health or fitness professional of any kind. See my Terms and Conditions page.
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I can safely say - sitting at the ripe old age of 33 - that the feeling of "what I have I done with my life" doesn't go away. :P
ReplyDeleteI think having someone to pace you might be a great idea. Have you tried that before in a race? I used my brother as a pacer for my half marathon goal, and I hit it! It was so fun to share that experience with him.
ReplyDeleteThis was my first time using a pacer. It was great to have support! Unfortunately the course was hilly and I felt rough, so I still didn't hit my goal. I believe I will hit it. Time to refocus on training!
DeleteIncreasing your pace is definitely challenging! I did some speed work this week too, and it wore me out! I think training with a group is very helpful though. I am training for my first 10 mile race and I am really enjoying the support of the new group I joined!
Miss Adventures in Running
You're not kidding! Speed work is tough! 5K pace is not a walk in the park at all. It's challenging and uncomfortable! Just gotta push through it. Good luck on your 10 mile goal! Running 10 miles was one of my most exciting milestones! You'll love it and do great!
DeleteI agree with everyone - the "What Am I doing, Who Am I" questions I think are something we'll go through our whole lives because we're ALWAYS evolving! If we stayed the same static person with the same static goals for 80 or so years, how terrible would that be?! Having these questions is good and natural! Frustrating sometimes, but healthy all the same :)
ReplyDeleteThe other thing that is healthy is re-addressing goals. If Under 30 by 30 doesn't happen, you're not a failure. You can change the goal date or change the goal in a little way, so it still feels new. You'll get under 30 at some point - whether or not it happens exactly on a day you plan is hard to plan for!
So true, Alicia! In order to accomplish what we want to accomplish in life, we constantly must evaluate our situation and make sure we're growing. And thanks for the 30 by 30 thought. :) My coach and I regrouped. He thought it would be a good idea to take the urgency out of the goal and refocus on training. I'll be 30 for a year!
DeleteI remember when I used to dream of a sub 30 minute 5k! Then I got it. And now I'm back to worse than I was when I started and am again chasing that elusive sub 30 dream. The feeling of seeing a 2 as the first number on the clock is unbeatable. You will get it, I know it!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Right now, it feels like an impossible dream. It's great to see others who have conquered it to give me confidence I can, too. I'm sure you'll get back there, too! :)
DeleteI'm closer to 40 than I am to 30 and I still don't feel like a "real" grown up. I've come a long way from where I was in my 20's, though!
ReplyDeleteI think maybe running for time instead of distance might be a good way for you to keep your easy runs easy and enjoyable! Have you read this article?
Thirty is so incredibly young!!
Haha, yep! I still don't feel like a grown-up! :)
DeleteThanks for the article! That was fascinating to hear that fast athletes aren't always running fast in their training. After talking to my coach, we agreed that a good approach at this point is to take the urgency out of the goal and focus on training. Thanks for sharing!
Being 33, I can honestly say, the 30's? WAY better than the 20's. And like others said, I'm not sure we ever really figure it all out, it's really all about the journey. Have a happy 30th!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm glad to hear that our 30s are a lot to look forward to!
DeleteMy 30s? Amazing! 40s? So far even better! Both better than my 20s :)
ReplyDeleteGreat running week! I'm staying active with strength training and yoga until I can run again. Hopefully soon!
Good to know I have a lot to look forward to! :) Thanks! I admire your commitment and working hard through your recovery! :)
DeleteI think reviewing your life every few years should be mandatory- otherwise I would just drift along, never changing and doing the same old things out of habit. There's nothing worse than a stagnant life :)
ReplyDeleteI agree - if you feel comfortable in your life, you aren't growing as a person. To live up to our potential and achieve great things, we must push beyond our boundaries and get out of our comfort zone and always question what we're doing.
DeleteSometimes re-examining life, goals and accomplishments is the best. It puts everything in perspective.
ReplyDeleteHappy (early) 30th!
Yes, I've come to the conclusion that if you aren't examining your life and changing, you aren't growing. Thanks!
DeleteI loved turning 30, felt like I was still young to "be young" but old enough to get respect :) I turned 35 last week and that was a tough age for some reason.
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday! I agree, I still feel "young" but I'm glad I'm past some of the insecurities and confusion of my 20s. :)
DeleteI remember having a similar breakdown when I turned 20, which is now laughable to me. It's funny how age is all so relative. :) But happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteAge IS relative! I was dreading turning 50 and started to run a few months before that big birthday. I am now 54 and in the best shape of my life. I didn't start younger but at least I started. Keep blogging - it is enjoyable to read your honest stories about things that we all wrestle with in our daily lives. Happy birthday to you!
ReplyDeleteA good friend of mine and I try and do something crazy/interesting physically on our birthdays. Just something different than our normal workouts and maybe pretty challenging. It sort of makes you feel like you are the strongest you have ever been as you cross that line to the next year. This year I think I am going to run my own personal "Across the Months" run in preparation for my "Across the Years" Race in December. My birthday is Halloween and I am going to start at 10:00pm and run until 1:00am (good training for trying to run 24 hours). I will run from October to November :)
ReplyDeleteMaybe think of something cool for a run or at the gym for your birthday and do something fun each year from here on out. It makes the idea of getting to that birthday more fun.
I thought it was so cute when you wrote "I thought I would have everything figured out by now"... I don't know if we ever figure everything out.. but as you get older you accept that more and I actually revel in it! I don't need to have everything figured out.. it's all good.
30 - 35 is a really great period of life. Much better than the 20's. I wouldn't want to be in my 20's again.